Dentures & Partials

What are Dentures & Partials?

Prosthetic appliances, like full or partial dentures, are made to mimic the look and feel of real teeth. Full dentures are great for patients missing an entire arch or more of their own teeth. Partials are best for those who are missing just enough to warrant wearing a prosthetic appliance. Both appliances are comfortable and easy to wear, and they are made to look completely realistic.

Why are Dentures & Partials needed?

The reason you may need a full or partial denture is because you’re missing most or all of your own teeth. When you are missing that many teeth, you may find it difficult to chew and eat your favorite foods. It’s not uncommon to develop a speech impediment because of lack of dentition. You may even look older because your face and lips taken on a sunken-in appearance.

What Are Dentures & Partials
Who Is A Candidate For Dentures & Partials

Who is a candidate for Dentures & Partials?

Dr. Sylvie Lam will examine your teeth and gums to determine if you might benefit from a new denture. Dentures are ideal for patients of all ages, since there is no age limit on when you could benefit from a prosthesis. If you have gum disease, we may suggest having teeth extracted before being fitted with a new denture. Dentures can last for up to seven to 10 years, so they will need to be replaced as they show signs of wear.

What happens during the procedure for Dentures & Partials?

The procedure to make and place a denture of any kind is quite simple. Impressions are taken to create detailed molds of your teeth and gums. These molds are then used to make the actual prosthesis. You will come back into the office for a fitting. We will adjust the way that your denture fits and feels so that it is as comfortable as possible for you. You will then be instructed on how often to clean and remove the denture to keep it looking its best.

If you would like to come into our office for new dentures or partials, call us today so that we can get you into our comfortable and spa-like practice as soon as possible.

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